Usage: mxr-cli upload-app <apk-file>
apk-file, a Path to APK file to upload [string]
-k, --api-key-file Path to JSON file containing ManageXR
API Key id and secret [string]
-o, --obb-file Path to OBB file associated with the
apk [string]
-t, --title Set app title in ManageXR. If not set,
will use previous app version's name or
parse name from APK. [string]
-d, --description Set app description in ManageXR. If not
set, will use previous version's
description or leave blank. [string]
-r, --release-channel Name of release channel. If release
channel with this name exists, the
release channel will be updated to
target this app version. If release
channel with this name does not exist,
create a new release channel targeting
this app version. [string]
--version-label, --vl An optional label to differentiate an
app from others with the same version
code and name. [string]
-v, --verbose If set, log additional output on
errors. [boolean]
--bundle-directory, --bd Path to a local directory containing
files to upload as a bundle with the
App. Optionally, also a destination
path on the device for the files to be
uploaded to. [array]
--always-upload-all-files, --auaf Skip MD5 checksums and always upload
all files in the bundle directory.
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
mxr-cli upload-app /path/to/apkfile.apk --api-key-file /path/to/api_key.json
MXR_API_KEY_ID="xxx" MXR_API_KEY_SECRET="xxx" mxr-cli upload-app /path/to/apkfile.apk
and a JSON file for auth.
mxr-cli upload-app /path/to/apkfile.apk --obb-file /path/to/obbfile.obb --title "Cool new app" --description "This app is amazing" --release-channel "Dev" --api-key-file /path/to/api_key.json
mxr-cli upload-app /path/to/apkFile.apk --bundle-directory /path/to/directory /path/on/device --api-key-file /path/to/api_key.json