Get Device
Retrieve a device by id (serial number)
API key based authentication where <encoded-value> is the Base64 encoding of API_KEY_ID
- Username: The API Key ID.
- Password: The API Key Secret.
Path Parameters
The ID of the organization. Locate the orgId under Organization Settings > API Keys.
Unique identifier (serial number) of the device
The serial number of the device. Also serves as the ID on ManageXR.
The name given to the device on ManageXR
Device MAC address
Device model
Device manufacturer. Note, Meta devices report as Oculus
The notes given to a device on ManageXR
The battery level of the device
True if the device is charging
True if the device is online
The Android operating system version
True if device is not compliant with its configuration on ManageXR
True if configuration updates are paused for device. Pausing configuration updates stops a device from syncing with its latest Configuration. User-initiated changes to Configurations and ManageXR-initiated updates to the ManageXR Admin App and Home Screen will not propagate to devices with updates paused.
Date the device was registered on ManageXR
True if the device is currently downloading content or firmware
This status is set when an admin sends a factory reset command to a device. Null if no factory reset command has been sent.
Device firmware version
The configuration applied to the device on ManageXR
The tags applied to the device on ManageXR. Null if device has no tags.
True if device is in Tutorial Mode
True if device has Kiosk Mode/ManageXR Home Screen disabled. When true, the device is not locked into the ManageXR Home Screen or Kiosk App and users have full access to the native system menus. Learn more
The last time the device checked in with ManageXR. Online devices check in every 15 minutes.
Device RAM in bytes
Device location as determined by its IP address and provided by
Information about the last connected wifi network
The available storage on the device in bytes